When it comes to using a recruitment agency, its worth thinking about sticking to one
Although registering with as many possible may seem productive, it can turn to chaos and disorganisation when receiving many notifications and calls. The result of this will be having to turn down many job offers, preventing potential relationships.
Sticking to one agency leads to gaining a stronger relationship. Working on a relationship with them allows more trust and effort put into finding desired candidates and clients. The agency will learn more and cater to your perfect fit. Guidance and advice becomes more prominent between agency and client when a relationship is strong.
Exclusivity is attained when sticking to one agency. Your details won’t be diluted through different levels as the agency provides a clear line of communication. With all details being correct and up to date, specific clients or candidates can be scouted out. Non-diluted details also can save sufficient time when reaching out to clients.
Having a clear line of communication must be the most significant benefit of sticking to one agency. Directly speaking to a consultant, building a relationship, and reaching an understanding of your current employment status can have benefits for both agency and client. Vacancies can fill up quicker and efficiently with the correct talent pool. Several agencies trying to establish communication can lead to constant phone calls and messages from differing consultants. This is disrupting a clear, singular line of communication.
An agency knowing they’re the only business you work with leads to them viewing you a priority. The relationship established means they have knowledge of your talent and will dedicate time to find the perfect fit. Regarding clients, they will receive the best applicants.
All these benefits show why sticking to one agency leads to a more effective relationship. Multiple agencies may seem like a productive route to take, in terms of quality and understanding one agency is best.